A Case Study on Cultural Intergenerational Trauma
A new perspective of the African American Experience
Finally understand:
The reason for the magnitude of self-destructive behaviors within the African American community?
How the African American community can heal itself?
How Racial Reconciliation can be achieved in America?
There has been academic research and thought-provoking discussion regarding intergenerational trauma and its cultural impact on Native Americans and Holocaust survivors, yet its effect on African American culture has been tragically ignored.
The discovery that cultural intergenerational trauma unconsciously impacts the contemporary behavior of African Americans is transformational. Understanding the impact of cultural intergenerational trauma is essential to a culturally competent understanding of African Americans..
Discover how cultural trauma manifestations contribute to the MAGNITUDE of the self-destructive behaviors of African Americans.
Examine how unconscious, NEGATIVE MENTAL LEGACIES of cultural intergenerational trauma have shaped the identity and perceived self-value of African Americans.
Significantly raise AWARENESS of African American culture.
Consider cultural methods of HEALING for individuals, families and communities.
GAIN a deeper understanding of client behavior.
EXPLORE how clients can be better served and motivated.
Be exposed to a VIABLE BLUEPRINT for the healing of the African American community
To create a dynamic learning experience, the workshop will feature a short film, audiovisual presentations, storytelling, small group discussions, handouts and references, culturally specific artifacts, and round-robin conversations.
In this one-of-a-kind workshop, mental health professionals will gather to examine cultural intergenerational trauma and its contemporary impact on the African American community and how it is integral to the challenges they face.
Cutting Edge Continuing Education is approved as a provider of continuing education for mental health professionals in the following states: Missouri and Illinois.
"Refreshing and inspiring experience."
"Impressed by visuals and manner of presentation. Very effective."
"Highly encourage everyone to attend."
"Challenge everyone who wants to heal their community to come."
“This is required—must have!”
“Not the same old regurgitated ideas, they're the greatest ideas I have ever heard."
“Breakthrough information, great resources
and video clips.”
“I loved the whole process.”
“Truly, we all were transformed.”
Visit youtube.com/user/TransformationAgenda to view dozens of testimonials
“The workshop is the catalyst of our healing, so bring everyone you love.”
I would highly encourage all people of African descent to attend. Today was truly transformational. People say you should think outside of the box, but today was about blowing the box up.
This is the path to healing! It makes so much sense, we just don’t know that we don’t know.
After I left the workshop something happened. I noticed an immediate change in my circumstances. What I realized was that once a change happened inside it had no choice but to happen outside as well.
If you are looking forward to changing your life from this point forward, and for your life to impact someone else, the Transformational Agenda workshop is where you need to be.
The workshop provided us with an opportunity to stop giving excuses for our circumstances and start to execute real change in our circumstances. The workshop gave thought provoking ideas and solutions to a problem that continues to destroy the black community.
This experience has been the most powerful event I have witnessed in my adulthood. Words cannot describe. You must come, you must listen, you must do something you have never done before. You will be transformed!
Video Testimonials
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Howard Denson is a Harvard MBA who chose not to go to Wall Street.
Rather, he has devoted 40,000 unpaid hours over the last 35 years seeking to identify exactly what it is that constrains the empowerment of African Americans.
The curriculum is based on 32 years of the evidence-based research, teachings, and writings of Howard Denson, creator of Cutting Edge Continuing Education and publisher of The Transformational Agenda Magazine.
He has authored and contributed to numerous articles surrounding this topic and others:
Howard Denson is also publisher of The Transformational Agenda Magazine (100,000 Print Edition + Internet Edition + iPhone and Android Apps). The magazine, and its flip-side publication, The Black Pages Business Directory, can be experienced at www.Black-Pages.com.
Mr. Denson is also the founder of Cutting Edge Continuing Education, LLC. and Understanding Cultural Intergenerational Trauma, LLC which provides Continuing Education Credits for mental health professionals as well as diversity and cultural competence training.